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Discontinued Vaporizers

The Product You’re Looking For Has Either Been Discontinued Or We No Longer Carry It

We apologize, but it looks like the vaporizer you’re looking for is no longer available at Vaped Canada. This might be because the manufacturer has stopped production, we’ve upgraded to a newer model, or it’s no longer part of our inventory. Don’t worry, we have plenty of other fantastic options for you! Scroll to the bottom of the page for our vaporizer collections list.

Need help deciding? Take a look at our list of top 5 portable vaporizers of 2024.

FAQs About Discontinued Products

Why was this product discontinued?

Products may be discontinued for various reasons, including the introduction of newer models, supply chain changes, or the manufacturer has discontinued the product from their production.

How do I find a replacement product?

We’re always striving to offer the best selection of vaporizers on our site, with new products added regularly. Take a look at the top vaporizers we’ve recommended in the link above, or explore our full collection using the buttons below.

If the product you have in mind is still in production, feel free to reach out to us at — we’d love to hear your feedback and may even consider reintroducing it!

What if I need support for a product I bought before it was discontinued?

If you need support or warranty information for a discontinued product, please visit our Warranty Information Page, which covers most details.

Alternatively, feel free to reach out to us at for additional assistance.

Check out our top collections below to find your next product